WI-38 nuclear extract (Forskolin stimulated)

Active Motif's WI-38 nuclear extract (Forskolin stimulated) was prepared from a cell culture of the human lung fibroblast WI-38 cell line. The WI-38 cell line was originally derived from lung tissue obtained from a Caucasian female fetus of 3 months gestation. The WI-38 cell line was the first normal diploid human cell line to be continuously cultivated. WI-38 cells are known to have the broadest viral spectra of any cell population that has been tested and are frequently used in research to isolate viruses, such as rhinovirus, and for the production of viral vaccines, including rubella, rabies, and hepatitis A. These cells have a limited replicative lifespan of approximately 50 population doublings after which they enter a state of irreversible growth arrest known as replicative senescence. WI-38 cells are most commonly used in research in studies of viral production, replicative senescence, and as normal controls. Forskolin is an inducer of intracellular cyclic AMP (cAMP), a second messenger that is used for signal transduction during various biological processes, including lipid metabolism and regulation of glycogen and sugar levels. Forskolin was used to stimulate cAMP production in WI-38 cells, leading to the downstream activation of protein kinase A (PKA) and calcium channels.

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