Twist Webinar | Precision Synthesis of Variant Libraries Enables Comprehensive Interrogation of Single-Site
- Precision Synthesis of Variant Libraries Enables Comprehensive Interrogation of Single-Site Variant Spac
- Learn how Twist SSVLs enable the interrogation of sequence space to identify key residues in protein structure & functio
- Precision synthesis at the nucleotide and codon levels enables inclusion of desirable variants & exclusion of undesirable variant
- Precision synthesis offers DNA sequence flexibility facilitating downstream manipulation, allowing restriction sites to be avoided
Traditional methods for the generation of nucleotide variant libraries can create premature stop codons and incorporate redundant codons, which leads to poor control and uneven distribution of diversity. Twist Bioscience’s silicon-based DNA synthesis platform, on the other hand, enables precise synthesis of variants to allow unprecedented, efficient, and comprehensive interrogation of the single variant space. Precision synthesis at the nucleotide and codon levels enables inclusion of desirable variants and exclusion of undesirable variants. New data demonstrate the ability of Twist Bioscience’s synthesis technology to construct nucleotide variant libraries and barcoded libraries for the in-depth examination of DNA or amino acid sequence space.