Twist Bioscience NGS | Custom Panels
Twist Bioscience - Next Generation Sequencing - Custom Panels
Twist combines precise oligonucleotide synthesis with a scalable silicon-based manufacturing platform to generate high-performing probe panels for NGS target enrichment.
They also complement this powerful technology with proprietary design algorithms and a rapid iteration pipeline to enable the quick design, synthesis, and optimization of custom panels.
Twist Custom Panels can be designed and built to cover a wide range of panel sizes, target regions, and multiplexing requirements — all with the exceptional and consistent performance you’ve come to expect from Twist NGS solutions.
With our incredibly flexible design capabilities, you can easily expand or enhance content on your existing panel or blend together the content from multiple panels with the Twist Custom Blended Panels option. This unprecedented flexibility saves you time while guaranteeing high-quality performance and analysis.
Whether you design your own panel from scratch or add targets to enhance the content of existing panels, you can use your Twist Custom Panel with Twist’s modular library preparation kits or seamlessly integrate them into an existing workflow.
- Effective design, accurate synthesis, and detailed quality control maximize both uniformity of capture and reproducibility
- High-fidelity double-stranded DNA probes offer high-quality, consistent performance
- NGS-based quality control of all probes ensures balanced probe representation and minimizes dropout
- Fast turnaround time to final panel
- Simple addition or enhancement of content without sacrificing performance
- Ensures adjustment of workflow biases for optimum performance
- Scalable design from 100 to >1M probes per pool
- Reduces the iterations to the final design
- Enables balanced capture, even for challenging regions
Design a Twist Custom Panel in minutes using a list of gene names or a target bed file. Regardless of panel size or target region, Twist Custom Panels consistently deliver excellent performance.
Twist Custom Panels deliver high-quality performance across 1-, 8-, and even 16-plex enrichment reactions:
- High uniformity for all levels of multiplexing
- High on-target rates do not vary with higher levels of multiplexing
- Low duplication rates across all levels of multiplexing

As demonstrated by NGS-based quality analysis, Twist Custom Panels demonstrate a low lot-to-lot variation. Every Twist Custom Panel is sequenced to ensure consistent quality and performance across all probes within a panel.

The Twist Custom Panels are for research use only, and subject to additional use restrictions as set forth in Twist’s Supply Terms and Conditions.
Twist Bioscience is the leader in cost-effective, scalable oligonucleotide synthesis. We help you design your custom panel and then quickly build it for you at the scale you choose. Once you test the panel in your own lab using the workflow of your choice, we work with you to quickly revise the panel design or simply scale up its production to meet your needs. Simply contact Twist Bioscience at sales@twistbioscience.com for more information.

- Custom enrichment for RNA sequencing of liquid biopsies by Jo Vandesompele, PhD | ESHG 2019 - Watch the Webinar