Twist Bioscience NGS | RNA Sequencing | RNA Library Prep

Twist Bioscience NGS | RNA Sequencing | RNA Library Prep

Twist Bioscience Next Generation Sequencing - RNA Library Prep

Twist’s RNA products offer a complete NGS solution that produces uniform sequencing libraries for RNA sequencing. The end-to-end workflows achieve this by combining streamlined and effective library preparation kits, high quality unique dual indices (UDI), unique molecular identifiers, optimized target enrichment, and proprietary exon-aware panel design algorithm.

Twist Targeted RNA Sequencing Workflow

  • Create custom panels to sequence only RNA transcripts that matter
  • Combine Twist RNA Library Prep, Twist Hybridization and RNA target enrichment panels
  • Enrich sensitivity for key targets even in low quality, degraded RNA from FFPE



Twist Whole Transcriptome Sequencing Workflow

  • Measure expression levels of mRNA, miRNA, lncRNA and other RNA species
  • Prepare liberties from Total RNA extracted from fresh and FFPE samples
  • Combine our Twist RNA Library Prep with Twist rRNA & Globin Depletion kit
  • Perform RNA Library Preparation in less than 5 hours


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  • 107060 - Twist RNA Library Prep Kit, 16 Samples
  • 107061 - Twist RNA Library Prep Kit, 96 Samples
  • 107147 - Twist RNA Library Prep with Depletion, 16 Samples
  • 107148 - Twist RNA Library Prep with Depletion, 96 Samples


* For research use only. Not for diagnostic procedures.

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